I'm most happy if you drop me a plain old E-Mail at svenk@svenk.org.
My main handle in the web is svenk. Here are some silos where you find me with this (or similiar) handles:
I no more twitter. I used to be the main author on the accounts
twitter.com/technikum29 and
Since convenient encrypted mail
is somewhat dead, why not roll out our own crypto instead in order to bootstrap for
some secure communication channel.
Just go ahead, use things which are public available anways, such as
my SSH public keys at github:
The above most likely works on any standard unix-like system with OpenSSH
and OpenSSL installed.
Use my public SSH keys to send me an encrypted message.
Encrypted contact
echo "Prepare some secret message" > secret.msg.txt
wget https://github.com/svenk.keys
tail -n1 svenk.keys > last.pub.key
ssh-keygen -f last.pub.key -e -m PKCS8 > svenk.pub.pem
echo "Hi Sven, I'm writing you an encrypted message using your SSH public key:" > msg.txt
cat last.pub.key >> msg.txt
echo "-----BEGIN SSH ENCRYPTED MESSAGE-----" >> msg.txt
cat secret.msg.txt | openssl rsautl -encrypt -pubin -inkey svenk.pub.pem -ssl | openssl base64 >> msg.txt
echo "-----END SSH ENCRYPTED MESSAGE-----" >> msg.txt
echo "Now go on and write this mail to sven:"
cat msg.txt